Feb 16, 2010

Love Aubrey : Suzanne Lafleur


Get back to myOldiest hobby...reading..?yupp...hehehe
Yesterday,..went to KLCC bookstore with myboyfren...
Yup...it's preety cool sometimes..if we had sometimes to go to a goodplace...

Frankly, I've never read any story book since leaving the school..huh!
badthings, ya..
anyway..I found 'Love Aubrey' by Suzanne Lefleur, which was not in the list of my intended book in searching for..
It happened when it's frustrating me looking for "a book" that I really wanted..but I can't find it everywhere...(only in the bookstore computer database..)what?!!!

Love, Aubrey is a tale of a child's grief and her steps on the road to recovery.
The book starts with her living on her own in her house, eating cheese as much
as she wants. Her mother is not around. As she tells her story, the reader is
able to piece together the information that there was an accident a few months
ago, and that her father and little sister died. But Aubrey does not like
talking about it, so it takes a while to sort out the facts, and much of the
information never becomes very clear.

After a few days, Aubrey's
grandmother realizes that something is up and so comes down from Vermont to
Virginia to check on them. When it becomes clear that Aubrey's mother has left
home leaving Aubrey all alone, they go back to Vermont. It is summer, and so
Aubrey does not yet have to go to school. She makes friends with the girl who
lives next door, Bridget, and her little sister Mable. She goes to school when
the fall comes along, and she starts seeing a school counselor to talk about her
feelings. One of the astute parts of the story is that Aubrey is actually not
very good at talking about her feelings, and often when she has strong feelings
she becomes overwhelmed. One of her most frequent reactions is to throw up.
However, Aubrey does relive the past through some selective memories, and she
also writes letters to people, starting with her sister Savannah's imaginary
friend. Those are ways she comes to deal with her feelings.

On top of
the loss of Aubrey's father and sister is her abandonment by her mother. This
greatly increases her sense of vulnerability, and although she comes to
understand that her mother had some sort of breakdown, she still feels some
anger and loss of trust over her mother's behavior, and even when her mother is
located, she is not ready to speak to Aubrey, and it is is some time before she
is willing to come to visit. Aubrey's sense of rejection and her longing for her
mother are acute, so her mother's behavior remains confusing for her. It is
clear that it will take some time for the relationship to be healed. On the
other hand, Aubrey's relationship with her grandmother and her best friend
Bridget grow stronger, and they really provide her with strength. (adapted
form - Metapsychology online reviews)
P.S.: perhaps, i can have this book in future... :(

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