Feb 26, 2010

The Slave Hunters : ChunO

.. The Moon Falls ..

I can't go thou' my heart is crying
I can't even make a clumsy move any more
A flower's scent and a bird's chirpings is an easily disappearing idle dream
The moon saddly cries
The moon even makes a smile saddly like your roughly blurred eyes and like your a withered dream
Wind blows and scatters
Thou' beautiful blossoms of flower falls like stars
My heart still stay there

Feb 21, 2010

.. Aku Tak Suka Rasa Ini ..



Tak suka nya... I hate this feeling...
Just bcuz of..his hp is with me tonite...I can't sleep...
Its remind me...'trauma' tol la...mongok tol la ku nih...
Eh, knaper perlu ade org ke-3 dlm tiap hubungan..
+ knaper aku msh xdpt forget all the weird + worst memory of mine (but beautiful memory of them)...

Feel like...ahh..im gonna cry...
hmm...aku tak fhm..aku dh buang jauh² sume tu...
Aku tau..perhaps, they still need each other...notin I can do for myself..
keep stress-out and 'trauma' mcm nih...

Yela, sape suh g ngk depa dating dulu..
lgpon, aku org yg last tau psl hbgn tu..even dh lama close with him...
Sometimes, nak slhkan org ke-3 pon, tak boleh...cuz, dia takkan sambut hbgn without offer,...and me myself fr sure..too much, and bad girl to him..either..

ahh...aku syg bangat sih, sama kamu..
but, why those days..happened..
yes, its happened fr reasons...

OMG.., knaper aku nih...
hmm...apa dosa aku smpai aku dpt jln hidup mcm nih...
aku tak pnah amik org punya partner..even pnah undur diri dgn kwn sendiri..
+ reject laki org...

benar kata org tua...
sekali kita buat prinsip..+ salu advice member²...
one day,...kita sendiri akan d uji...
tapi...bg aku, dia terlalu baik..untuk d uji..++..masuk dlm kisah aku..

aku harap..Tuhan ampunkan dosa aku..
aku teringin hidup hepy mcm dulu...
lupakan everything...even her face...+ the road of them...

syg aku jgk pnah ckp...
antara 1 relationship..only two persons itu je yg tau hbgn itu...
cuma aku terkilan ckit...mcm mane dia boleh kata...
aku x giv and take dgn syg aku masa tu...
she even doesn't know..wat hav i done with him..

kata org bercinta..:
'..ur all mylife...and will do wateva u wanted me to do...'
' it's ok..sometimes we make mistake...'

kata org bercouple..:
'..tgkla..kalau ada jodoh...,lgpon...semua tu atas takdir Tuhan..'
'..melayu mudah lemah...lupa..., tiap kesilapan...takkan tak study...'

kata syg aku....:
'..wateva it is...kita usaha ape yg mampu...'

p.s.: aku pon xtau..ape point aku jot down benda2 nih...tp, yg aku tau...im not hepy now..sleeping with his HP in myroom.... :(

.: Tasbih Sebelum Subuh :.


On holiday fr a week...fuhh...
rasa males + tired yg xtau dtg dr maner plak nih...hehehe..
yela...d whole week sukat jln with syg...ade jer activity nk d buat..hmm... :) tq so much, syg...
(rasa bahagia + luvly pon ada...acah jer...)

Feb 17, 2010

Menanti Cinta

sejak lama aku berdiri
dalam sepinya rongga hati
tak satu pun burung
mampu menjawab

(hanya padaMu ku bertanya)
lewat setiap sujudku ini
siapa kah nanti
cinta untukku

wahai penilai hati lihat batinku
nyaris bernanah karna luka tersayat
merana menantikan cinta dan kasih hidupku

rahasia itu hanya Kau yang tahu
namun aku tak mau jadi tuna cinta
tuntun hatiku dalam sabar menanti jodohku

rahasia itu hanya Kau yang tahu
namun aku tak mau jadi tuna cinta
namun harus ku ikhlaskan nasib cintaku padaMu

Song by : Krisdayanti (OST of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih)

Feb 16, 2010

Tuhan Beri Aku Cinta

Walau aku senyum bukan berarti
Aku selalu bahagia dalam hari
Ada yang tak ada di hati ini
Di jiwa ini hampa

Ku bertemu sang adam di simpang hidupku
Mungkin akan ada cerita cinta
Namun ada saja cobaan hidup
Seakan aku hina

Tuhan berikanlah aku cinta
Untuk temaniku dalam sepi
Tangkap aku dalam terang-Mu
Biarkanlah aku punya cinta

Tuhan berikanlah aku cinta
Aku juga berhak bahagia
Berikan restu dan halal-Mu
Tuhan beri aku cinta

Ku bertemu sang adam di simpang hidupku
Mungkin akan ada cerita cinta
Namun ada saja cobaan hidup
Seakan aku hina

Song by : Ayushita
p.s.: cinta pada yang satu paling suci...

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Bertuturlah cinta
Mengucap satu nama
Seindah goresan sabdamu dalam kitabku
Cinta yang bertasbih
Mengutus Hati ini
Ku sandarkan hidup dan matiku padamu

Bisikkan doaku
Dalam butiran tasbih
Kupanjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta
Sudah di ubun-ubun cinta mengusik resah
Tak bisa kupaksa walau hatiku menjerit

Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu
Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud syukur padamu atas segala cinta
- sapela...my Mr Right..?..
p.s.: sometimes, it's worth to remember those path, its the only way to make us happy..and lovely..loved :))

Filem - Ketika Cinta Bertasbih


Hmm...logging with the internet...nothing to do, mysis insists me to watch Indonesian Movie..."Ketika Cinta Berasbih I & II" online..

I watched it the whole night..interesting for those who still believe there's someone out there is really meant for us..."love.." and Allah has the reasons to give us ways of life whish is great and less happy for us...

Hmm...sometimes, it's worth for us to watch such of movie, different man, different way of life...different happiness given...

The most important things, obligations towards religion, ourself and for sure family....and love ones...

'Love' can changes: Sad to Happy, Evil to Angel, Lazy to Hardwork, Etc...
'Love' given by Him...appreciate it, cuz, for Muslim..hurt somebody is 'haram' (prohibited)...
and happy for others sadness also 'haram'..

Hmm...whatever it is...
I'm still happy with mylife, and others whose living with love...
and, perhaps, one day...everyone will cherish with love...no matter whose love it is...
Allah, friends, family or life partner....it's will brings happiness in life..

Ok, that's myviews after I watched the movie,...it's very interesting and touching..

The film was directed by Indonesian;
Director : Chaerul Umam
Based on Novel of : Habiburrahman El Shirazy

Official website is: http://filmketikacintabertasbih.com/

Love Aubrey : Suzanne Lafleur


Get back to myOldiest hobby...reading..?yupp...hehehe
Yesterday,..went to KLCC bookstore with myboyfren...
Yup...it's preety cool sometimes..if we had sometimes to go to a goodplace...

Frankly, I've never read any story book since leaving the school..huh!
badthings, ya..
anyway..I found 'Love Aubrey' by Suzanne Lefleur, which was not in the list of my intended book in searching for..
It happened when it's frustrating me looking for "a book" that I really wanted..but I can't find it everywhere...(only in the bookstore computer database..)what?!!!

Love, Aubrey is a tale of a child's grief and her steps on the road to recovery.
The book starts with her living on her own in her house, eating cheese as much
as she wants. Her mother is not around. As she tells her story, the reader is
able to piece together the information that there was an accident a few months
ago, and that her father and little sister died. But Aubrey does not like
talking about it, so it takes a while to sort out the facts, and much of the
information never becomes very clear.

After a few days, Aubrey's
grandmother realizes that something is up and so comes down from Vermont to
Virginia to check on them. When it becomes clear that Aubrey's mother has left
home leaving Aubrey all alone, they go back to Vermont. It is summer, and so
Aubrey does not yet have to go to school. She makes friends with the girl who
lives next door, Bridget, and her little sister Mable. She goes to school when
the fall comes along, and she starts seeing a school counselor to talk about her
feelings. One of the astute parts of the story is that Aubrey is actually not
very good at talking about her feelings, and often when she has strong feelings
she becomes overwhelmed. One of her most frequent reactions is to throw up.
However, Aubrey does relive the past through some selective memories, and she
also writes letters to people, starting with her sister Savannah's imaginary
friend. Those are ways she comes to deal with her feelings.

On top of
the loss of Aubrey's father and sister is her abandonment by her mother. This
greatly increases her sense of vulnerability, and although she comes to
understand that her mother had some sort of breakdown, she still feels some
anger and loss of trust over her mother's behavior, and even when her mother is
located, she is not ready to speak to Aubrey, and it is is some time before she
is willing to come to visit. Aubrey's sense of rejection and her longing for her
mother are acute, so her mother's behavior remains confusing for her. It is
clear that it will take some time for the relationship to be healed. On the
other hand, Aubrey's relationship with her grandmother and her best friend
Bridget grow stronger, and they really provide her with strength. (adapted
form - Metapsychology online reviews)
P.S.: perhaps, i can have this book in future... :(

Feb 15, 2010

Laksa Sarawak vs Nasi Hidang SS19


eh, alkisah aku and sayang ari tu...(Jumaat kot....yup...)
Aku balik keje awal..cuz nak raya Cina...so, sayang da plan nak bawa ku g makan di restoran Sarawak yg dia pnah bgtau aku dulu tu...hehehe

Hepyla aku..yela..berthn xmkn mknan Sarawak...nak gak carik mskan org lain utk merasa mknan Sarawak...kan...
Eh, jauh gak...Jln TTDI sinun tu...letih semacam sayang drive dgn jem nye lg...
belum lg aku ckp..

Three Brothers


Sempena coti panjangla jgk bg aku nih...
dapat gak aku buat blog baru...untuk business yang akan datang...
tapi..aku xdpt lg clear idea for the business..(berangan jer lbey2..dulu...heh..)

Semalam hari kekasih..
Aku..?? Eh, ngk post title pon da tau kan...
maknanyer...? Eh, takder maknanyer...hehehe...
Aku dok umah jer...
yela..tired the whole day before tu aku ngan sayang g sukat jalan..sampai KL...
and sambung plak sampai Shah Alam - Klang...(ckit je lalu..)

Shoppin ckit sempena raya ni kan...
Hmm..rindu gak nak manja2...eh, takder maknanyela...hahaha..
ngk jela org sambut hari keksh..
pertama sekali and the last celebrate ng sayang thn yang aku start mati akal tu...
aku numpang jer hari org bercinta...
tapi aku tak nyesal la...atleast aku sedar aku nih muslim kan...thn ni xpayah celebrate..jd baik ckit..

Tapi, aku tak slhkan sesaper yg nk celebrate...
Itu hak masing2..tp yg penting niat tu...kan..
tak slh kalo nak hargai keksh masing2...tapi mesti kene pada tempatnya...

Hmm...berceloteh plak...
aku nih, perhaps...stress dlman kot..
tapi cus of xtau nk cpt pd sape...blog jd diary aku...
ngeh...shut up, then...hmm...

Selamat malam...

p.s.: suka ngk drama Korea 'Three Brothers' with sayang...

Feb 13, 2010

.:Sebelum Subuh II:.


ahernye..kuat jgk aku nak guna laptop nih..
dgn keinginan tinggi..& cuz of trauma...aku try not to use his laptop..
yela...jumpa mcm2...kalo silap haribulan...

aku terlalu byk mengeluh since da tue2 nih...
tak baik betul..

yang aku nk jot down ari nih sebenarnyer...


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